Monday, January 11, 2010

Some Monday Notes

1) Nice job by Mark McGwire coming clean. Yeah it was way late, but he had legal ramifications and lets face it, he's done a better job than most regarding his steroid use. Bonds may be heading to jail, same with Clemens and Marian Jones. McGwire at this point has nothing to lose and with his new position of hitting coach with the Cardinals and the lack of a sizable bump in his HOF voting, he has everything to gain by coming clean.

2) This has nothing to do with sports and I might be crossing that turbulent border into politics of which I have no affinity to write about, but nothing sickens me more than Sarah Palin joining Fox News.

3) Clutch kicking or lack-there-of seems to be an early theme in this year's NFL playoffs. So does poor play by proven quarterbacks (Brady and Palmer) and great play by unprovens (Sanchez and Romo).

4) I understand that NBC only gets to cover one game a week in the regular season, meaning they only have one broadcast team that has covered the league for the entire marathon, but for anyone who watched the broadcast of the Jets and Bengals Saturday, it's obvious that the team of Hammond, 'Clueless' Joe Gibbs and Theisman needs to be dumped.

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